Tuberous breast is a common developmental condition that can have a wide range of effects on breast shape. Also known as tuberous breast deformity, tubular breast, constricted breast, and herniated areolas, this condition can cause physical manifestations of varying severity and asymmetry. This can then have a deep effect on breast aesthetics, stability, and self-perception. Tubular breast may be smaller in size, but they are not simply small breasts.
Some features of the tuberous breast deformity include constricted breast, hypoplastic breast, deficiency of breast skin, malposition of the inframammary fold, and asymmetrical breast. Tuberous Breast Correction Procedure During tubular breast correction surgery, firstly surgeon will release the constricted breast tissue. A cosmetic surgeon will start this procedure while you are under general anaesthesia. The surgeon will make a small incision in your breast to insert a breast implant.
Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures. As healing takes place, the scars will fade and lighten over time. Surgical tape or sutures or both may be used to close the superficial incisions.
Post operative period:
You can expect minimal swelling and pain after the surgery, which might last upto a week. Low grade pain can be controlled with regular pain killers which will be prescribed Dressing: for a week Bath: from the next day onwards
First follow up:
after 3 days Suture removal:1 week Down time:1 week, mainly due to the swelling Special advice:head end elevation, supportive brasserie for 3 months.
final results will be visible after 3 months Pre surgery must do Stop smoking and Alcohol Consult your doctor if you can stop blood thinners if your in such medications Stop herbal medications.